Some Words During Chaos - First Christian Church of Decatur
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It happened more than 2,500 years ago, and yet the scene sounds so familiar to our time. The people of Jerusalem were overrun by the world's political ploys. No one knew what leader deserved trust. There was famine, danger, and sword. God had a Word for his people in the midst of chaos: listen, learn, and follow heaven's plan. It's all detailed in Ezekiel, a biblical book full of some rather complicated language and history. Complicated - that's your life. Ezekiel applies to you.

Join us for this two-week series beginning the weekend of January 19/20, 2019. Also, we have provided a study guide each week to help you navigate the book of Ezekiel which can be a little difficult to comprehend.

Some Words During Chaos: Repentance

January 27th, 2019
Wayne Kent

Some Words During Chaos: Worship

January 20th, 2019
Wayne Kent