Expect The Unexpected - First Christian Church of Decatur

Advent is a time for preparation. We prepare for the celebration of Jesus' arrival as a baby. We prepare for Jesus' next arrival as the King of Kings. We live in real time, in-between the first and second arrivals. We know what to expect with our celebrations, while wondering about how God is working and planning for Jesus' next coming. We live expecting the unexpected.

Expect The Unexpected: Week 5

December 27th, 2020
Brian Talty

Expect The Unexpected: Christmas 2020

December 20th, 2020
Wayne Kent

Expect The Unexpected: Week 3

December 13th, 2020
Wayne Kent

Expect The Unexpected: Week 2

December 6th, 2020
Wayne Kent

Expect The Unexpected: Week 1

November 29th, 2020
Wayne Kent