One at a Time 2023 - First Christian Church of Decatur
One at a Time - Web - Message Header

While Jesus certainly taught about the love of God to the masses, he always made time to share the love of God with one person at a time. During this message series, we will be challenged to share the love of God through one prayer, one need, one connection, and one step at a time — one person at a time.

Digital Backgrounds

We want to help you remember to share God's love through one prayer, one need, one connection, and one step at a time. To do that, here are some images you can set on your phone as a background reminder. To save on a mobile device, choose your favorite color and press and hold to save to your photos.

One at a Time - Digital Wallpaper (blue)
One at a Time - Digital Wallpaper (yellow)
One at a Time - Digital Wallpaper (purple)
One at a Time - Digital Wallpaper (green)

Week 4: One Step At A Time

September 3rd, 2023
Brian Talty

One At A Time | Week 3: One Conversation At A Time

August 27th, 2023
BJ Leonard

One At A Time | Week 2: One Need At A Time

August 20th, 2023
Adam Hamerlinck

Week 1: One Prayer At A Time

August 13th, 2023
Brian Talty