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What is marriage mentoring?

Marriage Mentoring is one couple helping another couple. They meet regularly for a few weeks and work together towards a goal of having a God-honoring, life-long marriage. The mentor couple is resourced to help teach you new skills and provide encouragement, hope, and healing that will transform your marriage. It’s all done from a Christ-centered perspective of love, mercy, and grace. It can be fun, rewarding, and life-changing.

Here’s how marriage mentoring works:

You will . . .

  • Take a survey that will uncover your strengths & weaknesses
  • Meet one night a week for 8-12 weeks with a trained mentor couple
  • Learn more about yourself and your spouse
  • Apply principles you learn through homework
  • Learn skills to solve your own problems using a unique, sports-based negotiating tool
  • Learn how to navigate conflict and fight in a healthy way
  • Improve communications skills
  • Learn to bring passion back into the relationship


For more information, contact Pastor Chris Vieth at or call (217) 875-3350.


For additional marriage resources, click below: