Jesus In Hebrews - First Christian Church of Decatur
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Jesus is the focus of a Christian's life. Hebrews, a book in the New Testament also focuses on Jesus. It shows how Jesus is the ultimate expression of God's love and plan for humanity -  and particularly for you. Hebrews has this understanding: a Christian's thoughts and lifestyle are different than the choices made by those who do not follow Christ. The book of Hebrews written when Christian understanding held the minority viewpoint within the culture. Join us as we examine how Jesus helps those who follow his pattern of living and serving.

Jesus In Hebrews: Shepherd

July 28th, 2019
Wayne Kent

Jesus In Hebrews: Example

July 21st, 2019
Wayne Kent

Jesus In Hebrews: Tabernacle

July 14th, 2019
Wayne Kent

Jesus In Hebrews: Covenant

July 7th, 2019
Wayne Kent

Jesus In Hebrews: Better Priest

June 30th, 2019
Brian Talty

Jesus In Hebrews: Better Than Moses

June 23rd, 2019
Wayne Kent

Jesus In Hebrews: Better Than Angels

June 16th, 2019
Wayne Kent