Waiting for the Light - First Christian Church of Decatur
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"The people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned."

Traditionally, the season leading up to Christmas is called "Advent," which means most literally "expectant waiting." This is not a, "sitting around on our hands" kind of waiting, but an active anticipation.

Join us for our message series, "Waiting for the Light," where we actively anticipate Christmas and discover what God's Word reveals about the coming Light of Jesus Christ. Begins the weekend of November 24/25, 2018.

Waiting for the Light: Luke 11:33-36

December 16th, 2018
Wayne Kent

Waiting for the Light: Luke 2:21-25

December 9th, 2018
Wayne Kent

Waiting for the Light: Isaiah 8:19-9:7

December 2nd, 2018
Brian Talty

Waiting for the Light: Genesis 3

November 25th, 2018
Wayne Kent