Baby Dedication Celebrations are a special time where parents dedicate their child to God with the support of family and close friends. This celebration is purposefully set aside from other church events to help families focus on the commitment they are making to raise their children to know and follow God. It's a memorable event that includes refreshments and a professional photographer to take your family portrait.
PARENTS In order to prepare for the event, parents are required to complete homework (yikes!). No worries, you'll want to do this homework. Also, you'll need to submit a candid photo of your children which will be shown during the worship services as well as during the Baby Dedication event.
GUESTS We recognize that having a supportive network of family and friends is important when raising up a child to love God. Because families will be seated together at tables, keep in mind that 8-10 people is the recommended total for each family table.
Saturday, March 22, 2025 at 10am
The Homework
Yes, there is homework, but it's the good kind. There is a short video for you to watch and then pray about who you will invite to join your family for the Baby Dedication Celebration. There will also be additional resources at your table that will involve your friends and family in attendance. This will be an opportunity for your table to share some characteristics that you want to see in your child as they grow up and become who God shapes them to be. If you have any questions, contact Melissa at mpetersen@firstdecatur.org or text (217) 747-8392.
If you have any questions regarding Baby Dedication, contact Melissa Petersen at mpetersen@firstdecatur.org or 217.875.3350.